Quotes from our customers
With the Target Mentoring team, I regularly reflect on my current and future management challenges. The targeted change of perspective and the entrepreneurial expertise of Maheta and Guido creates a position of strength, procedurally, communicatively, managerially and operationally. Mentoring helps business leaders falsify or verify complex situations and their solutions.
The individual coaching sessions were very inspiring and enriching. After an intensive personal assessment, we worked out our own brand core with strengths and weaknesses. It should be emphasised that various management tasks were simulated on the basis of specific situations, thus also showing instructions and ways in which weaknesses can be mastered with confidence. The methodology coupled with the expert knowledge and wealth of experience were very instructive and impressive in every session.
The right amount of honest challenge and the joint development of long-term goals with meaningful milestones describes best Guido’s and Maheta’s Target Mentoring Program. The discussions helped me to develop as a person and as a leader.
Target Mentoring provides an opportunity to benchmark with professionals outside of your area of immediate expertise. This expanded scope challenges conventional wisdom and improves decision making for executives.